Unfortunately, basement flooding is a common occurrence in the West Lansing neighbourhood.
Please note that the City is reviewing plans to upgrade the water systems in Toronto. Our area will not likely be upgraded before 2020 or beyond and the plan won’t likely be comprehensive enough to completely eliminate flooding because the City Wide threshold is to accommodate a lower standard of 25 year storms rather than a higher standard of 100 year storms. This is not much comfort to those who have been flooded 3 & 4 times.
Please feel free to send your comments to our Councillor.
In the meantime, you might find the following links useful:
City of Toronto Basement Flooding Subsidy Program
The City offers owners of single-family, duplex and triplex residential homes a financial subsidy of up to $3,200 per property to install flood protection devices including a backwater valve, a sump pump, and pipe severance and capping of the home's storm sewer or external weeping tile connection. Note that in order to be eligible, the work must be carried out by a contractor licensed by the City of Toronto.
City of Toronto Flood Claims Process
In some cases, flood claims may be filed against the City of Toronto. A representative from Councillor Filion’s office confirmed that claims must be submitted to the City within 10 days of the event. Also, if a resident does not yet have a quote on the damage, it’s important to submit the claim anyway and to clarify that you’re still awaiting an official quote.
General Information on Basement Flooding
This primer helps to explain the various causes of basement floods, and also provides helpful tips for reducing your chances of flooding.
Call 3-1-1 For Water Emergencies
3-1-1 provides customer service 24/7 for all water emergencies. More details can be found here.