The West Lansing Homeowners Association (WLHA) is a non-profit organization comprised of neighbourhood homeowners. We are dedicated to representing our membership on issues that directly affect this community. We provide timely information and support events that build community spirit. WLHA has an elected Board of Directors and with over 300 members, we have a strong collective voice.
Board Of Directors
Membership is open to home-owners in West Lansing - the area north of the 401, west of Yonge Street and south of Sheppard. We are bound by the Don Valley ravine to the West and the 401 to the south. We are approximately 1050 homes.
Annual membership includes regular e-mail updates on local developments, events, traffic studies, safety concerns in the neighbourhood and the Annual General Meeting (October). Member households are also invited to attend our annaul Canada Day Picnic, a free BBQ lunch in Gwendolen Park (July 1).
Membership is $10.00 and renews every August for the next 12 months. You can join for 1, 2 or 3 years at a time. Online enrollment includes a $1.00 transaction fee per year to cover our online enrollment cost.
Join us today !
Our Mandate
West Lansing Homeowners Association has been serving the community since September 9, 2003. The association goals are:
1) To provide information to the membership that directly affects and their homes, property, safety, or
quality of life.
2) To represent the membership in its dealings with the municipal, provincial, and federal officials that
are of broad community interest.
3) To provide community events for fun and community spirit.